Landscape Assessment, Phase II

Landscape Assessment, Phase IIIn Phase 2, The Nature Conservancy and Ecosystems Research Group are proposing to adapt the methods and techniques of Phase 1 to the data, classification schemes, and modeling approaches being used for the Nez Perce – Clearwater Forest Plan Revision.   Phase 2 will explicitly address the following topics for the Nez Perce – Clearwater National Forests:

  1. Ecological Departure and restoration need in today’s forests compared to Natural Range of Variability (NRV) reference conditions based upon species composition and forest development stages.
  2. Comparison of current versus NRV landscape spatial patterns (shape and size of forest patches).

By using the forest planning data, classification, and models, we will be able to address the primary limitations of the Phase 1 Assessment; the inability to explicitly consider 1) tree species composition, 2) landscape scale spatial patterns, and 3) the effects of climate  change/variability.  In doing so, the proposed assessment will provide a very clear link between CBC, Nez Perce – Clearwater Forest Planning, and Middle Fork – Selway CFLRP monitoring.  The proposed assessment will also allow CBC to scale the impacts of individual forest projects (e.g. Clear Creek) on ecological departure and restoration need up to the level of the entire Nez Perce – Clearwater NF. 

Landscape Assessment, Phase II