The mission of the Clearwater Basin Youth Conservation Corps (CBYCC) is to expose youth to natural resource career opportunities and facilitate development of practical problem-solving skills while participants work alongside program and technical specialists on projects that restore aquatic and terrestrial habitat and promote healthy rural communities. The Clearwater Basin Youth Conservation Corps (CBYCC) is an 8-week summer program that introduces youth to natural resource careers by building professional, personal and problem-solving skills through working with multiple regional agency and community partners
The CBYCC is a partnership effort between:
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- Bennett Lumber Products
- Clearwater Basin Collaborative
- Clearwater RC&D
- Empire Lumber
- USDA Forest Service
- Idaho County
- Idaho Department of Lands
- Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Idaho Department of Labor
- Idaho Firewise
- Idaho Forest Group
- Idaho Youth ChalleNGe Academy
- Latah Soil and Water Conservation District
- National Park Service
- City of Potlatch
- Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
- Other local industries, communities, and organizations.
This program was piloted in 2013 and has been growing every year to include new crews, new geographic areas, and new partners.
While we’re always working to provide additional opportunities, currently the program consists of six full crews stationed in Grangeville, Kooskia x2 , Pierce, Orofino, and Potlatch. Each crew is comprised of a 5-person team of youth ages 16-18 and 1 adult crew leader. We also hire two “frontliner” positions to provide front office administrative support at local Ranger Districts and 1-3 Wilderness Trail Crew positions in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Employment applications and information can be found by contacting the Clearwater Resource Conservation and Development Council or checking out the CBYCC Facebook page. Crew position postings general occur in February/March. Crew leader job announcements are posted in January/February.
Follow the link to find updated job postings:
Each crew will work on a variety of projects including those that focus on silviculture, wildlife and fisheries, facilities maintenance, recreation, fuels reduction, trail development, weed management, stream restoration, and protection of heritage and other high conservation value sites as well as exposure community volunteerism. The intent is that work projects provide a valuable experience for the crew, but also accomplish a productive task for the sponsoring partner. Participants also have an opportunity to discover the various land management agencies and both for-profit and non-profit organizations operating right in their backyard.
The CBYCC provides all training, personal protective gear, basic tools, and transportation for the crews as well as all supervision and management.
The Clearwater Basin Youth Conservation Corps is funded strictly through partner contributions and donations. For more information about hiring one of the crews or making a financial donation, please visit our fiscal sponsor, Clearwater Resource Conservation and Development Council, at