The Forest Plan revision is an important vehicle to set policy guidance on the Forest for the coming decades. Therefore, it is a top CBC priority to engage in the Forest Plan revision to guide management action in direction desirable by the CBC. The subcommittee endeavors to represent the diverse interests on the CBC to find consensus or majority support for the many issues addressed in the scope of a forest plan.
The Nez Perce Clearwater National Forest was selected as one of three early adopter forests when the 2012 Planning Rule was published. In fact, the CBC was recognized in the National Press Release of the 2012 Planning Rule and the selection of the Forest as an early adopter. The subcommittee has participated with deep engagement and comment in many meetings held jointly with the Forest with forest plan topic specific agendas. At this point, we are now waiting for publishing of the DEIS and it is expected the subcommittee will become active again and comment and engage as appropriate along the pathway to decision and implementation of a badly needed Forest Plan revision.
Top priorities for Forest Plan Revision include pace and scale direction for forest restoration and timber harvest quantities. Also, land and water designations including proposed wilderness and Wild and Scenic suitability are top priorities addressed in a forest plan.